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  • -8%Limited
    Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with Barbican Apple, a captivating blend of premium malts and the refreshing flavors of crisp, juicy apples. This unique offering combines the rich, smooth character of high-quality malts with the bright, invigorating taste of freshly picked apples, creating a sophisticated and delightful beverage.
    Barbican Apple (330ml) Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Experience the captivating blend of Barbican’s premium non-alcoholic malt beverage and the refreshing, vibrant flavors of apples.

    This unique offering provides a sophisticated and invigorating alternative, perfect for those seeking a healthy yet indulgent drinking experience.

  • -8%Limited
    Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with Barbican Lemon, a sophisticated malt beverage that seamlessly blends the rich, smooth character of premium malts with the vibrant, zesty essence of freshly-squeezed lemons. Indulge in a harmonious balance of flavors that transcends the ordinary and provides a refreshing alternative to traditional soft drinks.
    Barbican Lemon (330ml) Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Discover the vibrant, zesty essence of freshly-squeezed lemons with Barbican Lemon, a sophisticated non-alcoholic malt beverage that delivers a harmonious balance of premium malts and the captivating flavors of bright, tangy lemons. Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with this refreshing and unique offering.

  • -8%Limited
    Non-alcoholic malt beverage with a sophisticated flavor profile Crafted with a proprietary blend of premium malts for a unique taste experience Provides a refreshing alternative to alcoholic beverages Suitable for a wide range of consumption occasions, from casual gatherings to formal events Comes in a convenient 330ml can for easy portability and enjoyment
    Barbican Malt (330ml) Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with Barbican, a sophisticated malt beverage that offers a smooth, rich, and subtly sweet taste. Crafted with premium ingredients and a proprietary blend of malts, Barbican provides a refreshing alternative for a wide range of consumption occasions.

  • -8%Limited
    Non-alcoholic malt beverage infused with the delectable flavors of juicy peaches Crafted with a proprietary blend of high-quality malts and natural peach extracts Provides a sophisticated and unique alternative to traditional non-alcoholic drinks Suitable for a variety of consumption occasions, from casual gatherings to formal events Comes in a convenient 330ml can for easy portability and enjoyment
    Barbican Peach (330ml) Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Discover the captivating essence of ripe, juicy peaches with Barbican Peach, a sophisticated non-alcoholic malt beverage that delivers a harmonious balance of premium malts and the delectable flavors of freshly harvested peaches. Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with this refreshing and unique offering.

  • -8%Limited
    Indulge in a tropical twist with Barbican's non-alcoholic malt beverage infused with the refreshing and juicy flavors of pineapple. This unique offering combines the rich, smooth character of premium malts with the vibrant and zesty notes of fresh pineapple, creating a truly captivating drinking experience.
    Barbican Pineapple (330ml)

    Experience the captivating blend of Barbican’s premium non-alcoholic malt beverage and the vibrant, juicy flavors of pineapple. This unique offering provides a sophisticated and refreshing alternative, perfect for those seeking a healthy yet indulgent drinking experience.

  • -8%Limited
    Indulge in the captivating blend of Barbican's non-alcoholic malt beverage and the tantalizing flavors of pomegranate. This unique offering combines the sophistication of premium malts with the refreshing and subtly tart notes of juicy pomegranate, creating a truly exceptional drinking experience.
    Barbican Pomegranate (330ml) Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with Barbican Pomegranate, a captivating blend of premium malts and the refreshing taste of juicy pomegranate. This sophisticated offering provides a unique and sophisticated alternative, perfect for those seeking a healthier, yet indulgent beverage option.

  • -8%Limited
    Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with Barbican Raspberry, a sophisticated malt beverage that masterfully blends the rich, smooth character of premium malts with the captivating essence of fresh, juicy raspberries. Indulge in a harmonious balance of flavors that transcends the ordinary and provides a refreshing alternative to traditional soft drinks.
    Barbican Raspberry (330ml) Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Discover the captivating essence of fresh, juicy raspberries with Barbican Raspberry, a sophisticated non-alcoholic malt beverage that delivers a harmonious balance of premium malts and the delectable flavors of ripe, delectable raspberries. Elevate your non-alcoholic drinking experience with this refreshing and unique offering.

  • -8%Limited
    Barbican Strawberry 330ML is a non-carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks. It is made with real strawberry juice and natural flavors, providing a guilt-free indulgence that satisfies the taste buds.
    Barbican Strawberry 330ML Original price was: RM5.30.Current price is: RM4.90.

    Barbican Strawberry 330ML is a refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage that captures the essence of ripe, juicy strawberries.

    Crafted with high-quality ingredients, it offers a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness, making it a delightful choice for any occasion.

  • -9%Limited
    Klasse Apple 330ML is a refreshing and flavorful non-alcoholic beverage that celebrates the crisp and juicy taste of apples. Crafted with the finest ingredients, this drink offers a delightful and invigorating experience that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.
    Klasse Apple 330ML Original price was: RM4.30.Current price is: RM3.90.

    Klasse Apple 330ML is a refreshing and flavorful non-alcoholic beverage that celebrates the crisp and juicy taste of apples.

    Crafted with the finest ingredients, this drink offers a delightful and invigorating experience that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.


  • -9%Limited
    Klasse Pomegranate 330ML is a refreshing and vibrant non-alcoholic beverage that celebrates the bold and tantalizing flavors of the pomegranate fruit. Crafted with care, this drink offers a unique and invigorating taste experience that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.
    Klasse Pomegranate 330ML Original price was: RM4.30.Current price is: RM3.90.

    Klasse Pomegranate 330ML is a refreshing and vibrant non-alcoholic beverage that celebrates the bold and tantalizing flavors of the pomegranate fruit.

    Crafted with care, this drink offers a unique and invigorating taste experience that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.

  • -9%Limited
    Klasse Strawberry 330ML is a refreshing and delightful non-alcoholic beverage that celebrates the sweet and juicy taste of succulent strawberries. Crafted with the finest ingredients, this drink offers a vibrant and invigorating experience that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.
    Klasse Strawberry 330ML Original price was: RM4.30.Current price is: RM3.90.

    Klasse Strawberry 330ML is a refreshing and delightful non-alcoholic beverage that celebrates the sweet and juicy taste of succulent strawberries. Crafted with the finest ingredients, this drink offers a vibrant and invigorating experience that is perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional soft drinks.

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